Every marriage is not meant to last forever. No matter what the reasoning behind the divorce, it is important to have legal representation for each side. I almost lost everything because my former spouse said that he was taking care of things and that he would be fair about how the assets were divided. It took several weeks for me to find out what he was up to. It was then that I hired my own attorney and got what I deserved. You should never attempt to go through a divorce without a lawyer working on your side. On my site, I have listed several of the issues that can get overlooked if you are inexperienced with divorce documents and proceedings.
3 June 2016
As a parent, you worry about your kids, even when they're adults. Although you don't sit up at night waiting for your son or daughter to get home from a date anymore, you still think about them and how things are going in their lives. When your child gets married, you do get to sigh a bit in relief, but what happens if that marriage fails and your son or daughter begins the tough road of divorce?
3 June 2016
A car accident might have resulted in damage to your car, but it might have also caused you injuries and affected your finances. As a result, you might be in the process of filing a lawsuit. If you have never been involved in a car accident lawsuit, though, you could take missteps that sabotage your lawsuit and cause you to lose. Try to steer clear of these three mistakes. 1. Talking to the Person You Are Suing
16 May 2016
All doctors are required to disclose all relevant treatment details to their patients. Your doctor commits medical malpractice if they withhold some relevant information. Using an example of a cataract surgery (three million cataract surgeries are performed in America every year), here is some of the crucial information your surgeon should disclose: What the Treatment Involves You can only make an informed decision on your surgical procedure if you know what it entails, so the surgeon should tell you this.
29 April 2016
Can you get compensation when another dog attacks your dog? You may, but it depends on the facts on the ground, which will be used to prove who is liable for the attack. Here are some of the facts that matter: Where and How Did the Attack Take Place? This is an important question since it determines which dog invaded the other's property, which translates to which owner was negligent in containing their dog.
9 April 2016
A Chapter 11 bankruptcy is done to give a company time to reorganize and create a better business model to help the business survive. The filing also gives a company extra time to pay off creditors. The creditors to a business are allowed by law to sell the claims they have against a debtor filing Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Selling the claims ensures that the creditors will get paid at least a portion of the money they lent or extended to the troubled company.