Every marriage is not meant to last forever. No matter what the reasoning behind the divorce, it is important to have legal representation for each side. I almost lost everything because my former spouse said that he was taking care of things and that he would be fair about how the assets were divided. It took several weeks for me to find out what he was up to. It was then that I hired my own attorney and got what I deserved. You should never attempt to go through a divorce without a lawyer working on your side. On my site, I have listed several of the issues that can get overlooked if you are inexperienced with divorce documents and proceedings.
18 January 2019
If you suffer from debilitating depression, you know the severity of the condition can prevent you from attending your job on a regular basis. Depression causes complete withdrawal in many people afflicted with the illness, making it almost impossible to remain employed. You may be able to obtain disability benefits through the Social Security Administration, but it can be an uphill battle. The following are some things you should know if you are considering applying for disability benefits for your depression: