Every marriage is not meant to last forever. No matter what the reasoning behind the divorce, it is important to have legal representation for each side. I almost lost everything because my former spouse said that he was taking care of things and that he would be fair about how the assets were divided. It took several weeks for me to find out what he was up to. It was then that I hired my own attorney and got what I deserved. You should never attempt to go through a divorce without a lawyer working on your side. On my site, I have listed several of the issues that can get overlooked if you are inexperienced with divorce documents and proceedings.
Joy Johnson
Marriage probably isn't a commitment you take lightly. Making the decision to divorce may have been one of the toughest things you have ever done. It could be that it wasn't initially your idea, but you realized eventually that it is something you should go ahead with for your own peace of mind, happiness, or safety. There are some factors that could weaken your resolve, so you will want to prepare for them.
Dealing With Manipulation
If your soon-to be ex is the crazy-making sort who has a habit of:
so that you can't think straight, you will want to consider carrying a notebook to jot down things in front of them to remind yourself of what was actually said or agreed upon. If you faithfully record these incidents, you can review them when you feel like wavering.
Dealing With Lack of Necessities
A lawyer such as Bahan Law LLC can give you advice on what records to get, to help you get your fair share of the marital assets and child support if you have custody of the children. Still, you may wonder how you are going to make it, especially if you have been out of the workforce for some time. Here are some things you might try:
Dealing With Loneliness, Fear and Insecurity.
Unfortunately some of your friends and relatives may be less than supportive of you during this difficult time. It can be difficult to deal with your own feelings of inadequacy or even guilt (whether appropriate or not). This is a good time to seek counseling for yourself (and your children), if you haven't done so already. A therapist can help you to figure out ways to feel more supported.
Your community or local university may have a clinic that has a sliding scale fee that would make it more affordable for you if things are tight. Most employers have an EAP (Employment Assistance Program) where you could access some short-term counseling and other helps.
You may find emotional support through:
While you shouldn't make your kids into your personal confidants, spending quality time with them can help, even if you are limited to weekly visitations or weekend overnights. Planning activities like hiking, skating, visiting parks, going to sports events, or doing projects together can help you to feel closer to them. Even a prickly teenager secretly craves your attention and care.
When you are feeling down, it can seem like the bad times will last forever. You have to remind yourself that 'this too is temporary.'